How to stop germs spreading around your home

Pip Hobs
 Zoono Germ Expert


How to stop germs spreading around your home 

All parents will know the fun and games that are had when children are at home and you’re trying to keep everything clean, neat and tidy. It can sometimes seem like an uphill struggle and one that will have been particularly challenging over the last few weeks as we have been living, homeschooling and working together - all under one roof. 

With the coronavirus crisis being at the front of mind for many, we understand if you’ve decided to step up your cleaning regime to kill all nasty bacteria on surfaces – and, of course, have been washing your hands regularly too. 

We urge everyone to follow the advice from the NHS when carrying out your household clean. There are some great tips on the NHS website

We also have a few additional pieces of advice to keep your little ones safely protected from germs around the home.


Children’s toys and games can be among the worst offenders for spreading germs as they are often moved around the house from room to room, spreading bacteria as they go. 

For plastic or wooden toys, wash them in the sink with anti-bacterial washing up liquid or wipe them down with a surface sanitiser spray. Make sure they’re dry before putting them away, as most bacteria like to live on damp surfaces.  Soft toys can then be cleaned in the washing machine at 60°c.


Many families focus on cleaning the countertops and kitchen surfaces but forget surfaces at a lower level. It’s important, especially for families with young children who will be touching skirting boards, floors and cabinets, to get down and disinfect surfaces below knee level. 


Door handles are one of the most touched items in the home, especially among busy families. Wipe down door handles on the inside and outside of your home every day with an anti-bacterial wipe to prevent germs transferring from one person to another. 


Use disposable wipes, rather than dishcloths whenever possible as germs can live in reusable cloths. If you only have dishcloths or reusable cloths available, wash them on a hot wash (60 degrees) after each use to kill germs. 


Be sure to closely follow the NHS guidelines, including not touching your face and immediately washing your hands after handling dirty laundry. 

Wipe down all surfaces that have come into contact with your clothes with an anti-bacterial spray or anti-bacterial wipe, including the floor, laundry basket and kitchen counter. Don’t forget to also wipe down anything you may have touched while doing the laundry, such as your washing powder and softener, plus the washing machine drawer.  

Don’t leave clothes in the washing machine as this allows germs to multiply quickly. Clean the front and inside of your washing machine regularly. Finally, wash clothes straight away every time they are worn outside.


While our pets are an important part of the family, do be aware of the germs they can also spread around the home. Make sure that pet food dishes and utensils used to open pet food are all kept separately from human food and cutlery. 

Be aware that when you stroke your animal, you need to wash your hands thoroughly before touching your face, skin or any other surfaces. It may be a perfect opportunity to also give Fido a bath to make sure there are no horrible germs living in his fur!


Mobile phones are among the most frequently handled thing we own, so can quickly gather nasties on the screen as we go about our day. In fact, Zoono research shows that most phones have an ATP reading – a measurement of the cleanliness of a surface – of over 500.  

To give you an idea of what this means, a reading below ‘100’ is safe. Anything below ‘300’ is contaminated, while readings above ‘500’ are highly contaminated. We’re sure this reading is even higher among teenagers!

Interestingly, mobile phones belonging to women often show a much higher reading than those belonging to men. As women wear makeup, this is then transferred onto the phone through their hands or face. 

Be sure to clean your phone every time you pick it up to stop any germs transferring from your hands. Like most phone manufacturers, we don’t recommend using alcohol-based wipes or cleaning products as these harsh chemicals can damage the surface of your phone. Instead, opt for an anti-bacterial product that uses harmless chemicals. 

We have developed the Zoono range to provide an effective yet long lasting barrier against a broad spectrum of pathogens for both surfaces and the skin. 

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