Investor Centre
Welcome to ZOONO®'s Investor Centre, where you can engage with our mission to pioneer the global market with our superior, long-lasting antimicrobial products. Our commitment to innovation drives us to deliver shareholder value and a competitive edge in health and safety solutions.
Specialising in the development, manufacture and global distribution of a suite of unique, highly effective, long-lasting antibacterial products that have a distinct competitive advantage.
ZOONO Group has developed (and owns) a wealth of Intellectual Property based around the “ZOONO® Molecule” – it’s a unique antibacterial molecule that bonds to any surface (including hard surfaces, textiles, fabrics, skin etc) and kills a range of pathogens. Best of all, it has proven efficacy and longevity – it does not leach and cannot diminish in strength. Today, ZOONO Group has established a global network of customers and distributors spread across many countries and territories. As the market leader in its field, ZOONO Group continues to develop new products and industry applications via a strong base of scientific, technical and training support.

Zoono Group Limited (ACN 006 645 754) (Zoono or the Company) is undertaking a non-renounceable rights issue of 1 Share for every 4 Shares held by those Shareholders registered at the Record Date at an issue price of $0.05 per Share together with 1 free New Options for every 3 Shares applied for and issued to raise up to $2,102,289. Shareholders also have the opportunity to apply for any securities not applied for under the Rights Issue.
Please download the below Entitlement Issue Prospectus for further details.
Personalised Entitlement and Acceptance Forms can be accessed at
The Offer closes at 5:00pm (AEDT) on Friday, 26 May 2023.
All Directors and Officers of the Company, including the Company’s largest shareholder, Managing Director, Paul Hyslop, will be taking up their full entitlements.
Revised Indicative Timetable
1. The revised timetable for the Rights Issue is set out below:
2. Lodgement of Prospectus with the ASIC 26 April 2023
3. Lodgement of Prospectus and Appendix 3B with ASX 26 April 2023
4. Ex date 1 May 2023
5. Record Date for determining Entitlements 2 May 2023
6. Offer opening date, Prospectus sent out to Shareholders and
7. Company announces this has been completed 5 May 2023
8. Last day to extend the Closing Date 23 May 2023
9. Closing Date as at 5:00pm* 26 May 2023
10. Shares quoted on a deferred settlement basis 29 May 2023
11. ASX notified of under subscriptions 2 June 2023
12. Issue date and lodgement of Appendix 2A with ASX applying
for quotation of the Shares 2 June 2023
13. Quotation of Shares issued under the Offer** 5 June 2023
*The Directors may extend the Closing Date by giving at least three (3) Business Days’ notice to ASX prior to the Closing Date. Accordingly, the date the Securities are expected to commence trading on ASX may vary.

Download Prospectus

Annual Reports

Board of Directors
Corporate Governance
The Board of Directors is committed to maintaining high standards of Corporate Governance.
Please find below links to the Company’s Corporate Governance Policies and Charters.